mercoledì 4 settembre 2013

Raw is good, fruit is better

One year! It's been one year of raw food and it's been a hard year, I'm not gonna lie about it. When you leave your traditional diet behind and you change it so dramatically it's hard to stay strong and go on. And I had a lot of doubts in the process and a lot of times I have gon back to just vegan. But in the end I overcame all the problems and I feel better every day. My suggestion, if you want to try this too, is to go slowly and take your time to give up all the cooked/processed foods. Start taking off from your diet the most poisonous elements like sugars, coffee and salt and then move slowly towards vegan and raw foodist. I didn't do it and I felt very bad for the first 3 months, slightly better the 3 months after that and then it was all ok. All but one little problem: sore belly. I started worrying about it and tried everything to make it go away. The problem is that I stressed my body (and mind) a lot with fasting or semi-fasting and I fell into bulimic instincts to overcompensate. I ended up eating tons of dates and almonds (or any other dried fruits and nuts) but my belly started growing a fat layer and so I felt bad about it and tried to fix it with more fasting. This led me into a spiral and I was really worried about it. I went back to vegan for a couple of weeks but it didn't help, it only made things worse so I started looking for answers on the web and finally I found out that my sore belly is probably due to addiction to cereal and it will take some times to get rid of it so I'll try and be patient for a few months. My bulimic instincts, as I said before were overcompensations due to food deprivation. The solution proposed was eating as much fruit as I want. Yeah, seriously, just that simple! Now I've been doing this for a week and I feel so good, like never before! I'm fixing my problems in the guts and everything looks better. I even feel better mentally because I don't have to worry about food and hunger and overcompensations. It's all easier now. So I guess I'm going to be a fruitarian rather than just raw foodist. I find it an easier solution, more natural and it makes me feel better so why not? The only exception is with potatoes which I like to cook in a conservative way but I might as well get rid of them in a few months. The only problem is when I'm going out with friends to have a beer... I will probably choose wine (for the cereal issue). This is very hard for most people because our society looks badly at people who do "extreme" choices like this one but I guess the real extreme choice is to eat unnatural, cooked, refined food which is unhealthy and makes you tired and unmotivated. I know everyone is used to it now but this doesn't change the fact that our body is not made for that. We poison ourselves with drugs everyday and when they tell us to get rid of them we say that we like them and since everybody does the same there is no need to worry. As far as I'm concerned the idea of being addicted to something makes me feel sad because I want to be as free as possible, it's not just about health and energy, which of course are important to me. However I think that everyone should find their own path in this life and this includes food choice. But there must be a choice, you can't keep doing things just because you were tought so or because everyone else is doing the same. I guess we need to question things in order to find what's good for us. Otherwise we're just robots doing what they're told. I don't wanna be this, I wanna question everything, including myself, with all the consequences that come with it. Yes, because if you start questioning everything, in the beginning, you'll be weaker, doubtful and insecure, but in the long run you'll find out what is true about yourself and no one will be able to change your mind. No one but you, of course. So come on, give yourself a chance to choose!